Meet our new members manager, Kate!

Our newest team member Kate is a sales and customer care whiz. With a passion to help independent businesses and a love for dogs, we knew straight away Kate would fit in well.

Woman in a pub with her dog

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

I graduated from The Bournemouth Art Institute with a foundation degree in Fashion, then ended up working for a telecoms provider. After over tens years I had the opportunity to reevaluate my career and decided that I want to work with small brands to help them grow with business development, so I went freelance.  

You previously worked for a phone company - what made you want to join the PR Dispatch team? 

A mutual friend of mine and PR Dispatch put us in touch and once I spoke to Rosie about what PR Dispatch do I knew I wanted to work with the PR Dispatch team. The platform and support offered is completely in line with why I went freelance - to support small businesses.

What is the best part of your role?

My video calls with independent brands, definitely! I have found that doing a video call is the best way to show how the platform works as I share my screen and show the people what to expect from the appropriate membership and also our community of members on Facebook. As I work remotely and so do a lot of the people I talk to, it is nice to have a conversation with someone you can see and wave to. 

Dog with a giraffe toy

What is your favourite brand (s) or shop (s)?

Such a hard question! So many of the brands I speak to have great products and brands stories. I really liked Canopy Plants and Monique Lucas Design

You work remotely - what is your morning routine like?

After my first cup of tea at about 7.30am, I go downstairs and grab my laptop, another tea and the dog and go through my emails and any enquiries that have come through while I listen to Greg James on Radio 1. Around 11am it is time to get out for a dog walk.

What do you enjoy about working with independent brands?

I start my video calls with asking about how the brand was created and what the story behind it was. Hearing this story is one of my favourite things when I talk to independent brands. It is amazing to hear how people come up with their brands and products and all of the effort that goes into what they create - it’s inspiring.

Man and woman wearing Chinese coolie hats

A fun fact about yourself?

I’m not bad at carrying a tune. When I was at school I had a few solo’s in school plays, with choirs and other performances. Not sung publicly for a while though.

How do you switch off?

A long dog walk, followed by a glass of Malbec at our local village pub.

Ideal weekend plans?

At the park with my step kids, walking the dog, cooking a roast and watching movies. My crazy partying days are now few and far between.

New to PR? We are here to help!

As a small business, we know that where you invest your budget matters.

If you want to know which membership is right for your brand please drop us a line. We’re on hand to talk you through the platform through a one on one video call.



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