Tips from business owners on how to get into a routine during lockdown

There’s no denying that it’s been a testing year for businesses having to constantly adjust to COVID-19. And ultimately, changing the way we work.

⁠If you’re running your own business and are struggling to find a balance amid everything you’re not alone.

To help you feel a little less overwhelmed we’ve asked 9 brilliant business owners to share their tips and experiences on finding a routine that works for them during lockdown.


Therese Ortenblad is a business mentor, wholesale expert and the founder of Small Business Collaborative.

With over 12 years of sales experience in the home and gift industry, Therese has worked with retailers ranging from small independent stores to Liberty and Selfridges.

Follow Therese on Instagram here.

Business woman sat in front of laptop with a mug of tea or coffee


‘Having a morning routine and doing my best to stick to it has been life-changing for me.

During lockdown 1.0 I got into a bad habit of staying in bed too long and then spending ages on Instagram without actually doing anything productive so I've been working on tweaking my morning routine and when I manage to stick to it I know I'm going to have a really productive day.’

“Having a morning routine and doing my best to stick to it has been life-changing for me”

‘I start my day with lighting a candle, making coffee and sitting down for 20 minutes of reading. I found that I don't make time for this unless I do it first thing in the morning and it's been so good to get back into reading physical books and not just business books either.

I then try to do some yoga or I walk the dog.

Not sitting down by my desk first thing feels like such a luxury, and it's great for my mindset.’


Resident PR Dispatch marketing expert Julia Wetzel runs marketing consultancy JDW where she works with founders, creators and creative service providers wanting to grow their brand and become known for their ‘One Thing’.

Julia also runs masterclasses which include How to grow your brand with Instagram Stories.

Follow Julia on Instagram here.

Business woman working in home office


Stay connected - ‘If you are part of an online community, now is the time to make the most of it. Chat to other business owners, share your wins, challenges and ask for help.

With less daily social interactions, I feel it's incredibly important to find other ways to connect. I am a member of Found and Flourish, run by the amazing Lara Sheldrake and also have a WhatsApp group with four other women who all run their own business. Both keep me sane when I feel isolated or in need of a little 'office chat'

“With less daily social interactions, I feel it’s incredibly important to find other ways to connect.”

Take a break - ‘Taking a break each day looks different to everyone but I got back into exercising and reading (actual) books (not ebooks).

I know this is a cliche, but the exercise helps me to switch off, sweat and also to feel energised and inspired.

And I have been getting better at walking away from my computer or the to-do list when I don't feel productive. Instead, I might allow myself to read for an hour in the middle of the day.

That's the beauty of working from home and being your own boss, no one dictates your working hours.’


PR expert Lucy Werner is the founder of The Wern - a PR and design shop for startups, entrepreneurs and independent brands. 

The business is split across products, events, courses, coaching and an affordable agency. 

Lucy is also the author of Hype Yourself: A no-nonsense DIY PR toolkit for small businesses

Follow Lucy on Instagram here.

Business woman in red t-shirt


‘Whether it’s a business or your personal life you need solid foundations to get into healthy habits. So for me, healthy eating, sleep and daily movement are my basics.

Try to get into a weekly food shop and plan your meals in advance. I try (not always) to write up a food menu for the week on my fridge that stops me procrastinating at lunchtime or dinner time with not knowing what to make.’

“Whether it’s a business or your personal life you need solid foundations to get into healthy habits. ”

‘The added bonus is that this can also help keep costs down in a period where many of us are worried about finances.’


Pam Sharpe has over a decade of experience in running her own businesses and recently set up her business consulting business Mela & Sharpe.

Through Mela & Sharpe Pam works with startups and established SMEs, helping them get investment-ready by fool proofing their business plans, financials, help with pitch decks, get crowdfunding ready and make investor introductions where the product/business is a good fit.

Follow Pam on Instagram here.

Business woman wearing orange sari


‘I try to keep the same routine as if I was going out to meet people in the real world (the outside world we once knew).

First thing when I wake up, I try and do some reading. Pre pandemic, I used to read the news but I avoid doing this now as the news is quite depressing to be honest. My current read is Building a Storybrand by Miller Donald.’

“I try to keep the same routine as if I was going out to meet people in the real world (the outside world we once knew).”

‘After the school run, I have a shower, have breakfast and get dressed up in smart clothes to start the day. It really helps my work morale to dress up like am meeting people in a professional set up even if all my work is via Zoom.

In a nutshell, I keep a routine as if I was still doing things as before (before lockdown).’


Aime runs Studio Cotton, an independent marketing agency based in Bristol.

Aime and her team develop brand identities, websites and marketing campaigns exclusively for small creative businesses in the UK.

Follow Aime on Instagram here.

Small business owner looking at laptop in her home office

Photo credit: @georgiadelotz

‘Focus on keeping as much of your original routine as possible, it minimises the shock to your system which always gives you a bit of “hey, I got this” confidence.

What really worked for me was finding the tools and techniques that focused on the specific areas where I struggle. I’m pretty legendary at taking horrendous meeting notes - and when working via video calls, it was a lot harder to ask my colleagues “hey, what was that thing I said we’d do?”.

Now I have a Ponderlily Meeting Notebook which forces me to create a strutted to-do list.

“What really worked for me was finding the tools and techniques that focused on the specific areas where I struggle.”

For total transparency, Ponderlily is a client of ours, but holy smokes the meeting notebook has literally changed my life!’


Catherine Erdly has over 20 years’ experience of working with retailers and brands of all sizes.

Catherine runs membership platform The Resilient Retail Club which is dedicated to breaking down the concepts and tools that she has learned through her career, and show you how you can use them in your business.

Follow Catherine on Instagram here.

Business woman sitting at a desk with a magazine in front of maps of the UK and Ireland and north and south America


‘My simple but super effective method for tackling an overwhelming ‘things to do’ list is to use my kitchen timer. There - my top industry secret out of the bag! It works, I promise you.

Set your timer for 20 minutes – then sit down and get on with that task until the timer goes off. You can then move onto something else on your list.

One of the things that stop us from being productive is a feeling of being overwhelmed and constantly having too much to do – but if you give yourself just 20 minutes on a particular task you’ll surprise yourself at how quickly you’ll get into the flow and start making real headway on that job.

“My simple but super effective method for tackling an overwhelming ‘things to do’ list is to use my kitchen timer. There - my top industry secret out of the bag! It works, I promise you.”

Once you’ve done this for several things on your list you can start to think about other techniques to help you keep focused and therefore be more productive.’


Martha Moger aka The Stitch Writer is a freelance copywriter and brand storyteller, writing copy and content to help creative brands and businesses flourish.

Martha’s services include SEO-focused website content, product descriptions, blog posts and newsletters.

Follow Martha on Instagram here.

Woman sitting at a desk with a pencil and notepad


‘My biggest lockdown tip is to focus on one day at a time. Think of all the components that make your day a happy one, whether that's getting some exercise or calling a friend.

‘Make sure you do those things at a similar time each day to make a routine and don't worry too much about tomorrow.

“Think of all the components that make your day a happy one.”

It's a good way to feel satisfied every day.’


Described ‘like having an agency in your pocket’, Amanda Perry founded The E-com Growth Hub to help smaller businesses take control of and successfully manage their own profitable digital marketing campaigns that work for their business.

She also runs digital marketing agency SOUP.

Follow Amanda on Instagram here.

Woman in black shirt sitting behind a desk


‘My top tip would be to stay in touch with people - be that friends, family or your team.

I think it’s really easy for the hours to pass with your head stuck in your laptop or phone, and making time for connection is so important.’

“I think it’s really easy for the hours to pass with your head stuck in your laptop or phone, and making time for connection is so important.”

‘For team comms, we use Zoom and Slack and wouldn’t be without them!’.


Sara Dalrymple is a sales and visibility expert helping female creative business owners find the confidence to become more visible and to sell online.

But in a way that feels good and matches their personality, allowing them to generate more leads in less time and make more impact in the world.

Follow Sara on Instagram here.

Woman standing in front of a white background wearing an eye-catching yellow necklace


‘Not reinventing the wheel here, but for me it's getting outside for a walk every day!

It's too easy when you work for yourself and work from home to blur all the lines and so I find if I don't commit to a change of scene, it can be dark before I know it and I haven't moved from my desk.’

“I try to walk every morning, in nature if I can but even a walk round the block helps if not. Great for clearing the mind, boosting mood, moving my body and feeling WAY more productive when I sit back down.”

So, I try to walk every morning, in nature if I can but even a walk round the block helps if not. Great for clearing the mind, boosting mood, moving my body and feeling WAY more productive when I sit back down.

I always have such great ideas after my walk!’


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