Meet the member: Hayley from Born Nouli

Its an exciting time at PR Dispatch as we watch the community of PR savvy brands grow. This week we caught up with the lovely Hayley Measures on the challenges of owning an Independent brand and the importance of PR for Born Nouli's performance-driven leggings.

How long have you been in business?

I launched Born Nouli in January this year and so a little over 7 months.

Describe your product in 3 words.

Flattering, Feminine & Stylish

One thing you wished you’d known before starting your brand.

There are too many to list! Launching Born Nouli has been one of the most challenging things I have ever done. I wasn’t quite prepared for how much I didn’t know and that I quickly had to learn. Would I change it now though and do it differently – absolutely not!

What’s your biggest achievement whilst running your brand?

There have been some fantastic achievements since I launched Born Nouli that I feel very grateful for.  I never dreamt that we would be stocked in some of my favourite London retailers within 6 months of launching. That being said, I don't think anything gives you a better sense of achievement than when you receive an email or a review from a customer telling you how much they love your brand and how amazing their new leggings are.

Why do you think PR is important?

I think PR is important for credibility and raising awareness of who you are, what you do and what you stand for.  Ultimately your customers will build that credibility over a period of time off the back of a brilliant product and exceptional customer service but PR is still essential to build credibility, influence and increase brand awareness quickly.

If you could be featured anywhere (print or online) where would it be?

For as long as I can remember, my favourite magazine has been Red. Long before I really understood anything about PR I joked with a friend that I will feel I have made it if Born Nouli were to end up on the pages of Red Magazine. This is not strictly true of course, but Red for me personally, would feel like a pretty big deal!

And finally, in the next year you want to…

Continue to develop the brand, expand the range and hopefully start to build a presence overseas. My ultimate life goal at this moment in time is to be healthy, happy and dress the legs of girls everywhere!

Follow Born Nouli!
Instagram: @born_nouli_activewear
Twitter: @born_nouli

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