Crafting an effective press pitch email for your eComm brand

Are you struggling to make your eComm brand stand out in the crowded world of online retail? One powerful way to gain visibility is through press coverage, and in today's post, we're going to show you how to write a compelling press pitch email for your eComm brand in 9 easy steps.

  1. Start with a warm greeting

A basic one to start but it is often overlooked with brands jumping straight into their pitch. It’s nice to be nice so begin your pitch email with a friendly greeting. Show appreciation for the recipient's time and effort by saying something like, "Hope you're having a good week" or "Hope you had a good weekend."

2. Personalise your pitch

If you're familiar with the editor or publication you're pitching to, personalise your message. Mention specific articles or features they've written or any common ground you share. However, don't force it; if you're unfamiliar, it's okay to skip this step.

3. Highlight your product

In your pitch, introduce your product. Provide essential details such as the product name, price point, and a hyperlink to your brand's website. Make it easy for the editor to access more information about your brand and highlighted product.

For more information and examples of finding the right press publications why not watch our latest YouTube channel here.

4. Share your brands unique selling points

Briefly describe what makes your brand or product unique and interesting to the press. This could include sustainability practices, years in the industry, or a large and loyal customer base. These details add credibility to your pitch.

Rosie choosing a magazine from the shelves in her office

5. Tailor your pitch to the publication

If you're pitching to a regular feature in the publication, mention it explicitly. For example, "Do you think [product] would be suitable for [feature name]?" This shows that you've done your homework and are familiar with their content.

6. Include images

Rather than attaching images, embed them directly into the email. This ensures that the recipient can immediately view the product, making it more likely to catch their attention.

7. Suggest multiple products

You can suggest up to five products, but it's often best to stick with around three for the pitch. If you have a wide product range, consider attaching a line sheet, which includes additional options. This helps the editor quickly see if your products fit their upcoming features.

Rosie PR Dispatch founder reading ES Magazine

8. Craft a snappy subject line

Your subject line is crucial—it's the first thing the recipient sees. Create a subject line that captures attention, such as "Cobalt Blue Jacket for The Style List." Keep it concise and relevant.

9. Don’t wait; follow up

Once your pitch email is ready, hit send, and don't wait around. Following up is essential, so make sure you have a plan for that as well.

Pitching your eComm brand to the press can be a game-changer for your business. By following these steps, you'll increase your chances of getting noticed and featured in prominent publications. Happy pitching!

For a step-by-step example of writing a great press pitch why not watch our latest YouTube channel here where Rosie takes you through the process.

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3 things not to include in your next press pitch for your eComm brand


Finding the right press publications for your eComm brand: A comprehensive guide