5 Top Tips For Writing A Press Release

A good press release is key for brands of any size - it's your opportunity to sell yourself to publications and potential customers alike, so it's important to get it right first time. If you're not a press release pro it can be difficult to know where to start, so we've compiled 5 top tips to help you put your best foot forward.

press re·lease


  1. an official statement issued to newspapers giving information on a brand, person or particular story.

1. Come Prepared

There are a number of key components that you need before you start writing. Here's a list of things that anyone reading your press release will need to know: 

  • Your brand's story, mission and purpose

  • How long have you been going?

  • What are you offering, and for how much?

  • New collection details

  • Your contact details (so simple but easily forgotten!)

  • Stockist information

2. One Size Doesn't Fit All

Each publication has a different reader and therefore requires a different pitch. You need to capture these individual wants and needs within each press release to be in with a chance of getting featured. 

For example, your tone of voice when pitching to a red top newspaper should be different than when you're pitching to Vogue.

 3. Have a Snappy Email Title

This may seem like a tiny detail but it’s crucial difference between your email gaining the all important click or forever being lost in the never ending depth of an editors inbox.

4. Visuals Are Key

It's all well and good having great copy, but nothing can sell your product better than high quality, on-brand imagery. The images don't need to be the main feature of the press release, but 1-2 well shot images may compliment your press release perfectly. It's also important to ensure that the font and design of your press release are consistent with the rest of your branding.

5. Formatting

A press release should always be a PDF - this format is supported by the majority of devices and anything else may be too large for editor's inboxes. A PDF keeps the formatting of your document in place, ensuring that the press will read your press release exactly as it was intended.

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