The A-Z of PR Buzz Words


A paid-for feature in a magazine or a newspaper, disguised as a regular piece of content, though clearly marked as an advertorial. 

Brand Story

Quite simply the story behind your brand – What were your reasons for starting your brand? What makes you different? 


Something that is written by you about your brand i.e. the words on your website and your press release.


The person who is in charge and determines the final content of a publication. 


A series of themed photographs in a fashion publication.

Editorial Calendar

A schedule that keeps track of stories from concept to development to publishing.


An article that’s longer and with more detail than a regular story, ranging from lifestyle pieces to an extensive report.  


An image that is 330 ppi (pixels per inch) or above. Print and online publications require these in order to feature your product.


PR that is done by someone who works for the brand itself, as opposed to with an agency.


A person who writes for newspapers or magazines.


The amount of time that the magazine needs in the production progress from the pitched idea to the published version. 

Line Sheet

A PDF that gives buyers everything they need to know about making an order from your brand.  It should include your contact details, information about the sizes and colours, product imagery along with wholesale and the recommended retail prices (RRP). 


Long-lead publications are those who work on stories anywhere from 3-6 months in advance, i.e. monthly magazines.

Look Book

A digital PDF showcasing your brand’s collection to send to press including beautiful product and lifestyle imagery. 

Media Kit

An information packet functioning as a resume about a business or product.

Out of Office

A service that sends an automated reply to everyone who’s emailing you while you are away from the office. 


An email or phone call to publications introducing your product or offering a story to a journalist or editor. 

Press Day

An event to showcase your brand’s forthcoming seasons collections and new product launches to press and influencers.

PR Dispatch

The UK's first and only PR subscription for independent brands. Insider press advice and contacts from an Award Winning London Agency. Tell me more.

Press Release

A written PDF including relevant information about your brand to circulate to press. 

Regular Feature

A regular weekly or a monthly feature – i.e. a shopping story or a column.


Publications that normally don’t require pitching far in advance i.e. daily/weekly newspapers and magazines, online websites and blogs.

Target Audience

The demographic of people who are most likely to show interest in your product or service. 


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