The exact pitch that landed coverage in Grazia

Our latest Youtube video explores a pitch that scored Rosie a feature on Grazia’s ‘The Juggle’, which discussed how to be a founder, while on maternity leave. This coverage not only boosted website traffic but also worked wonders for SEO.

The opening paragraph of the pitch sets the stage, keeping it short and sweet while immediately diving into the pitch's core content. It is so important to tailor your pitch to the platform, and even a compliment about the platform's uniqueness can make a lasting impression.

While pitching to these features, the crucial paragraph introduces your business, providing a snapshot of credibility. It is important to highlight key achievements, awards, and the brand’s overall experience to position yourself as a trusted figure, even to editors who may not be familiar with you/ the brand.

In this pitch, Rosie included information tailored specifically to The Juggle's audience—working mothers. She shared her personal juggle, navigating the early days of motherhood alongside the challenges of the COVID pandemic. Specific examples add depth, creating a vivid visual narrative.

For profiles focused on founders, a storytelling element in your pitch is vital. Beyond stating facts, conveying the journey and emotions behind the founder story can add a compelling layer.

A good format is to break down top lessons related to the subject into a list format, as this not only communicates clearly but also gives the editor a preview of the potential feature content.

A notable point is the authenticity of the imagery attached to the pitch. Due to COVID constraints, the images for this pitch were taken at home with an iPhone camera. While encouraging professional imagery if budget allows, in some cases DIY assets can also work.

Watch the video here.

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