
Regular advice on how to advocate for your product with all the passion and purpose it deserves.

Brand Molly Gould Brand Molly Gould

How REFY built a PR-able brand overnight 

Since bursting onto the scene in 2020, REFY’s products have consistently sold out, becoming a firm press favourite. But how did they achieve such rapid growthand create a PR sensation overnight? In this blog post, we dive in into the brand’s success.

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Strategy Kate McWhirter Strategy Kate McWhirter

3 PR lessons to improve your next press pitch

With over 25 years of experience in PR, we've sent pitches for some of the UK’s best independent brands to thousands of journalists, securing coverage for some and learning valuable lessons from others. Keep reading for the three lessons & the essential steps we’ll now never send a pitch without that will make your press emails stand out and increase your chances of being featured in top UK publications.

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