Take two minutes to increase your chances of coverage by 200%

Our latest Youtube video dives into a game-changing strategy that could elevate your chances of media coverage by a whopping 200%. Imagine if just two minutes of your time could make such a significant impact. Mastering follow-up emails, a simple yet often overlooked tactic in the world of PR. 

Why send a follow-up? A follow up email provides your carefully crafted initial pitch with another shot at the top of an editor's inbox, maximising the chances of getting noticed. Drawing from years of experience and feedback from our 500+ PR Dispatch members, we’ve seen time and time again how follow-up emails often secure responses and coverage.

Not every pitch requires a follow-up, though. There are two main scenarios when you can skip the follow-up, ensuring your efforts are strategic and well-timed. There are also key do's and don'ts for crafting effective follow-ups, including keeping it short and sweet and refraining from bombarding editors with multiple follow-ups.

If you've been neglecting follow-ups, this is your sign to stop, watch our Youtube video here.

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The exact pitch that landed coverage in Grazia


To gift or not to gift? Three questions you can’t ignore