
Regular advice on how to advocate for your product with all the passion and purpose it deserves.

Brand Rosie Davies Brand Rosie Davies

How businesses are responding to COVID-19

With the current disruptions, adapting, pivoting and thinking outside the box seems like the best strategy and only option for most brands. Here we take a look at what a few businesses are doing to tailor their services and offering in response to COVID-19.

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Insights Rosie Davies Insights Rosie Davies

Your lockdown reading list to unleash your brand's PR potential

Lockdown means that many of us have a lot more free time on our hands so we’ve gone through the archives to find over 30 webinars, podcasts, articles and videos from Rosie and the PR Dispatch team that will not just keep you occupied but will also give you all of the knowledge and confidence you need to take your business through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

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Insights Rosie Davies Insights Rosie Davies

How to create images for press without leaving the home

While it’s not business as usual, small businesses will still need to do what we can to keep our PR and marketing going. With press producing more online content than ever and showing their support for indie brands, having the right images in place or being able to produce them as and when they’re requested will help increase your chances of being featured.

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Rosie Davies Rosie Davies

How to do PR in times of uncertainty

In these testing times working on your PR is more important and relevant than ever and keeping your brand awareness going can help you stay afloat. Wondering how to do your PR in these unpredictable circumstances? Here we share some useful information on how to best PR your brand and product right now.

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Team Rosie Davies Team Rosie Davies

Meet our new members manager, Kate!

Our newest member of the team Kate, is a sales and customer care whiz. With a passion to help independent businesses, we knew straight away Kate would fit in well, and not to mention her love for dogs and singing is a bonus!

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Brand Rosie Davies Brand Rosie Davies

Personal branding: How to get PR-ready images for your business

Sophie Carefull is a Personal Branding Photographer for Female Entrepreneurs based near Exeter, working with creative women all over the UK and Europe.. Sophie is a key player in ensuring your brand’s visual identity is on point, from profile imagery to everything in between. Read on to find out Sophie’s top tips to nailing your personal branding.

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Brand Rosie Davies Brand Rosie Davies

7 minutes with... Cat Byrne, Gatto Web

We catch up with Cat from Gatto Web to talk all things 2020, branding and turning a hobby into an online platform to help creatives push their brand with beautiful and functional websites. After 4 years in official business, Cat has some valuable advice for all small business owners - read on to find out more.

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Brand Rosie Davies Brand Rosie Davies

Why you need to do PR consistently all year round

Although 2019 is nearly out and we’ll soon have forgotten all about the last 12 months, it doesn’t mean you should forget about your PR efforts. You’ve not spent the past year building press relationships and getting your brand on their radar to drop it last minute. It takes time to build press relationships, but very little time to lose them, - keep on reading to find out why you should be PR consistent all year round.

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